Monday, 29 June 2009

Festival d’été Francophone de Vancouver

Vancouver held an incredible Francophone festival last week with some of the best music coming from Malajube, Karkwa and Pierre Lapointe. Go to Vancouver Observer for the full review and Flickr for more photos.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Holla holla for a dollar

You heard it here first. Well, maybe not but whatever. I did. My London friends, Fanfarlo are lovingly offering their new album for a $1 download. A friggin' $1?! You can't even buy candy for that little. Get yourself over to Fanfarlo's website, provide a few details and their gorgeous album is yours....4 bonus tracks included. Now doesn't that sound delicious. Mmmmmm!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Peaches at Commodore, Vancouver May 31st

photos by Amplify This!

Leotard-wearing, sex-loving, electro-clash singer Peaches put on an electrifying show at Commdore Ballroom. For the full review head over to Big Shot Magazine

More photos at Amplify This!